Sunday 23 June 2013

Inventory Expansion

Quest D'or Stables is proud to announce that our  inventory will soon double!   Northern Cotton is expecting a foal for May 2014. It was all pretty straightforward (if I can remember the process...) . Bill , also known as The Horse Pimp, amongst other things, arranged a date between Cotton and a stallion named Jumpstart  . By the way, who could come up with a better name for a stud than Jumpstart...The whole thing lasted about 5 minutes *insert your own endurance joke here* and after about a week, Cotton was officially verified as pregnant.

We do have 11 months to figure out what we're going to do with the foal. In the meantime we're going to smoke cigars and drink beer, which has nothing to do with Cotton being pregnant, but seems like a good way to pass 11 months.

Thursday 30 May 2013


If you're one of those who enjoy tracing the lineage of kings and queens back to the cavemen days...and who doesn' might want to take a look at this. Here is Northern Cotton's pedigree

So her parents are High Cotton and My Golden Quest  with grandparents and great-grandparents further along  to the right , etc.... Is that Secretariat way down there? Whoa !!! This is a great tool for those of us who get lost when Bill starts talking about Northern Cotton's third cousin's brother-in-law.

If you're wondering my lineage is mainly French with some Dutch thrown far as I know none of my ancestors could run fast. It all started with Caveman Bayer thinking he could run away from that wooly mammoth, good thing he had already made Caveman Bayer Junior.

Our racehorse can no longer race

We need to go back a little bit. We've known for a long time that Cotton had caught some sort of virus. We're not sure how she got it, could gave been the  feed or another horse. Under normal circumstances she did not suffer any ill effects. After a race though she would cough up blood and mucus. The only cure was rest. We let her be until April of this year and we were optimistic when she started galloping at the farm she was staying at in Pennsylvania. Unfortunately we found out a few weeks ago that the blood and mucus symptoms started up again after she was doing a  slow gallop.

It's really disappointing as we know Cotton can run. From her debut race when she caught up with Balooga Bull ( only the Horse of the Year winner for 2012 at Assiniboia Downs)  to her maiden victory in late September 2011 to her competitive races against other horses who have gone on to win significant dollars...we knew we had a racehorse. It's truly sad that we'll never get to see her full potential.

 There's nothing we can do at this point to turn Cotton back into a racehorse but, with some help, she can certainly make more racehorses. Now how do you do that again ?

Saturday 4 May 2013

Update from Bill

Bill spoke with trainer Jane  and decided to leave Cotton at the farm to continue training there. It's cheaper and they can do the same slow works as Jane would be doing at Monmouth.  Cotton is being turned out in a round pen for 2 hours before they put on the tack. They then trot her 1 mile and then gallop 1.5. When she gets to Monmouth she will be very close to breezing. Should run her first race @june 10 to 15. The lady at the farm says she is going really good.

Merci Bill

Wednesday 24 April 2013

Trying a new blog for size

So I may do another blog,  a record of my acute observations, inner thoughts and poignant day I may actually have one of those.

OK, here's a start

Most buses have 2 sets of seats paired up with an aisle between them. You bus riders that sit on the seat closest to the aisle  hoping that nobody sits beside you...I know what you're up to. If there are no empty pairs I deliberately ask you to push over, unless you're a large smelly man.  So be courteous , think of others and make the seat available.

Wow, that was easy, I'm going to post more of those. 

Latest pic of Northern Cotton

At 4 years old she looks wiser, fuller , more mature, a horse of the 4 years old I kept falling off my tricycle...

Sunday 23 December 2012

The blog is back !

"Whoosh"...sorry was blowing the dust off this blog.

Cotton is currently in "rest mode" and enjoying the holiday season down in New Jersey. I'm not sure if she has any presents under the Christmas tree. We were thinking of wrapping up a carrot but...ummm...that might look a tad suspicious....though it would  be an ideal  companion gift to the book 50 Shades of Neighhhh...OK, OK, sorry about that.

The ownership group had a pre-Christmas lunch last week at Oscar's deli run by Cotton co-owner Larry.  Oh by the way , check it out . My omelet was so yummy !

Bill paid the tab ( merci Bill ! ) as we discussed plans for Cotton this spring and summer. We're anxious for training to begin and  confident that Cotton will have a great year. Bill seems to know everything that's going on in the world of horse racing, then again he is retired with nothing but time on his hands. That and a jacket pocket with wads of cash in it. Hmmmm...I wonder if I was supposed to say that, sorry Bill.

Much happiness to all and best wishes for 2013 ! 

Tuesday 21 August 2012

This is 'stable' leadership ?

The 'brain trust' of Quest d'Or Stables got together again for breakfast at Stella's  and discussion of Northern Cotton's next race and all around future. I use the term 'brain trust' rather loosely given the following :

  • Dean went to the wrong Stella's
  • Bill went to the right Stella's but couldn't find the door
  • Michel and I went into Stella's, couldn't find Bill , left Stella's, called Bill's cell, Bill told us he was in Stella's, Michel and I  went back in, found Bill
  • I lost my reading glasses
Only Larry seems to have done everything right

Tuesday 14 August 2012

The stigma of finishing last

When your horse finishes last, nobody really cares to know why . Even though there are valid reasons, even though under the circumstances it was better than forcing her into 6th or 7th...nooooobody cares. Here's a typical conversation :

What you say ( with anticipation): How did Northern Cotton do ?

What I say (quietly) : She finished last

What you say (hesitatingly) : Oh

What I say (with a bit of confidence) : Well she did finish last but she started well then got mud in her face. She didn't like that so she lifted her head and slowed up and  given that she hadn't raced for a long time the jockey held her up and just let her run out the race...that's why she came in last.

What you hear : Well she did finish last but... la, la, la, do, dee , do dee doooo, zuuuppa, zuuuuppa, boom chackalakalaka,  boom chakalakalaka,...that's why she came in last.

I will never look at a last place horse the same way again

Tuesday 7 August 2012

Couple of pics from Monmouth Park

Is she giving the photographer the evil eye ?

Before the race at Monmouth Park in New Jersey

Last is not a four letter word...or is it ?

Northern Cotton raced last Friday and "last" Friday says it all...yes she finished  last,  trailing the field, back of the pack, thanks for showing up, looking at horse butt, see ya next race, in the basement...get the idea ?

It's not as bad as it  seems, she had some issues on the track, pulled her head back and slowed up. Given that is was her first race in 3 months the jockey wisely did not force her and just let her finish the race. Both her  trainer and jockey feel that NC can run and be competitive . The jockey , surprisingly enough rode both her mother ( My Golden Quest) and her father ( High Cotton) . It's a matter of being smart and picking a race that  suits her. Yeah, she's finicky, fussy and a bit of a princess but we know what she can do.

You know....if it were easy...everyone would own a racehorse.

Thursday 2 August 2012

Cotton's running Friday Aug 3

Here's the race entry

Post time is approx 3:30 CT

If you don't have access to the racing channel you can try this feed

Tuesday 17 July 2012

Sumertiiiiiiiiime...and the bloggin ain't easyyyyyyyy....

It's tough to blog when there's so much to do outside but the Cotton journal must go on. It's been hot and rainy in New Jersey so she hasn't worked out for a bit  though she probably will tomorrow. We're still looking at racing her around the end of July.

In the meantime I'm going to have a cool refreshment....I mean work outside...yeah, work outside...

Sunday 8 July 2012

The workouts continue

Another impressive four furling workout from NC today and she should be good to race within 2 to 4 weeks.

There's talk of some owners heading to Monmouth (NJ)  to see her race . We're thinking about it however with 2 of our sons getting married and a kitchen reno ( if and when it ever happens) we may wait until next year before going . That or my wife needs to win a race and we can get some cash. That last sentence was deliberately  inserted to see if she actually reads my blog. If this post gets deleted or if you see me laid up in the hospital for a couple of days then you will know that she indeed reads my blog..

Friday 29 June 2012

Pick the best line

My son Eric got married to long time girlfriend Melissa on June 16. It was a fantastic day . 

While Cotton couldn't make it we did invite her, pick her best response below.

 We asked Cotton to come the wedding and :

She said neigh ?

Stomp once for yes and twice for no *stomp stomp* ?

She was chomping at the bit to come but  couldn't say Yes ?

She wanted to come but had to run ?

Somebody didn't forget to close the barn door ?

She decided not to come as she couldn't stay furlong ?

She couldn't find the "place" so she didn't "show" up  ?

No winners ? Then submit your own !

Cotton is getting ready

We're back !  Cotton is in New Jersey and will be running in middle to late July. She had a great workout last week and is ready to fly.  Her trainer Jane Cibelli is very pleased and if our trainer is happy then I'm happy. She is due for another workout this weekend. Speaking of workouts, I need to go run . My trainer (wife) is not quite so please with my progress.

Monday 21 May 2012

NC in NJ

NC is safe and sound at Monmouth Park in New Jersey. She's getting acclimatized to her new digs and environment. She put on between 100 and 150 pounds, which is a good thing as she was a bit light. Just don't tell her that her rear end looks big...

Joc and I are hoping to go down to New Jersey to see her race...the horse, not Joc, and we hope to include visits to the surrounding area. We're not sure if we want to head north and see  New York and  Philadelphia or head south to Washington and Virgina. Or maybe we'll just stay home and wait for our new kitchen.

Tuesday 1 May 2012

Parlez-vous le 'Bill' ?

Bill and I were sending emails back and forth when suddenly he starts sending me messages in french ! Apparently he loaded a french translation app into his Blackberry and was sending me text  with a Gallic twist . Though somehow the sentence "We need to pay the vet bill" translated into "Ta poutine est en feu". Don't ask me how that ne sais pas *gallic shrug*

Study Week for Cotton

We decided to give Cotton a break as Tampa Bay Downs is closing for the summer and Monmouth Park in New Jersey is starting in mid-May.  Let's call it  Study Week....ok let's call it Spring Break. Hey, I went to university, I know what Study Week is really all about ! The only studying that takes place is answering the age old question of how many drinks can one person cons...ok, enough about that. Northern Cotton is going to be studying past performance charts, analyzing her  competitor's strengths and weaknesses, lifting weights...and that's it!  I don't care how many toga parties she gets invited to... 

Sunday 15 April 2012

Meeting and Oscar's Deli plug

The brain trust of Quest d'Or Stables met on Friday morning at Oscar's Deli minus Dean. Some have argued that the brain trust of Quest D'or Stables is actually Northern Cotton...they may have a point.

We discussed current expenses, potential revenues and future plans ( note the word potential before revenue). However this adventure turns out we all agreed that this has been a great experience and beyond our expectations in turns of scope. I mean, who'd have thought our little horse could have brought us so much excitement.

A quick word regarding Oscar's Deli ( run by co-owner Larry). Great food, great service and located in the heart of downtown. Check it out, tell  Larry that Northern Cotton sent you. 

Tuesday 10 April 2012

Sunday 8 April 2012

Not a stellar outing

Disappointment....4th place. She started fine took a quick lead and then settled back of couple of lengths behind the leader. Perfect position for her. Things started going wonky down the backstretch though as she dropped to second last place in a matter of seconds. She rallied somewhat down the stretch and finished fourth trailing the winner 7.5 lengths.

Why did she drop so quickly ? We're still waiting for a final analysis but it seems she had some congestion in her lungs and may have suffered some sort of heat stroke. As well we may have run her a bit too quickly after her last race, 2 weeks was perhaps not enough time.

The plan is to rest her for a month and then run her out of Monmouth Park ( New Jersey) in some long distance races ( 1 mile plus) .

Oh but don't despair, we are staying positive. In that race she ran against horses that have made over $100,000 and we know she can race with them. We learned a few things and have a good idea what sort of races she should be entering. She just turned three and it's early April , lots of racing still to be done .

No one said this would be easy...

Friday 6 April 2012

Race Day minus one

Tension mounts, palms are sweaty, wife is antsy, can't think I'm doing the laundry !  Oh right and tomorrow is race day...

Got an update from co-owner Bill who is in Tampa to see the race. NC is doing great, she's filling out her frame and is looking like an adult . Bill is really impressed with trainer Jane Cibelli and her foreman Rob. They've done a great job with Cotton. If any of you are interested  here is her website

There's a couple of really good horses in this race so it will be a tough challenge for NC . We're always looking for improvement and while a win would be great we want to see how she progresses. 

Need to run...laundry needs attention.


Here's a couple of pics of  Cotton from Tampa taken by co-owner Dean . The non-horse in the picture is Jane's foreman Rob.

Wednesday 4 April 2012

Lineup for Cotton's race

Check out race 7